Wolfram Media -- The Publishing Unit of the Wolfram Group

A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics

The Wolfram Physics Project is a bold effort to find the fundamental theory of physics. It combines new ideas with the latest research in physics, mathematics and computation in the push to achieve this ultimate goal of science. Written with Stephen Wolfram's characteristic expository flair, this book provides a unique opportunity to learn about a historic initiative in science right as it is happening. A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics includes an accessible introduction to the project as well as core technical exposition and rich, never-before-seen visualizations.

Information and Media Inquiries

June 19, 2020 Publication
Publicity and Interviews: sw-media@wolfram.com
Translation Rights Requests: info@dropcap.com
Trim Size: 7.44" x 9.69"
Non-Fiction: Science/Physics

Distribution by Ingram, Amazon and Baker & Taylor

UK Distribution: Turnaround Publisher Services


  • Preface
  • The Announcement
  • Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics... and It's Beautiful
  • Technical Introduction
  • A Class of Models with the Potential to Represent Fundamental Physics
    Introduction · Basic Form of Models · Typical Behaviors · Limiting Behavior and Emergent Geometry · The Updating Process for String Substitution Systems · The Updating Process in Our Models · Equivalence and Computation in Our Models · Potential Relation to Physics · Notes & Further References
  • History
  • How We Got Here: The Backstory of the Wolfram Physics Project
  • Background
  • A New Kind of Science: a 15-Year View (2017) · What Is Spacetime, Really? (2015)
  • The Foundations
  • Fundamental Physics, Chapter 9 from A New Kind of Science (2002) · Historical & Technical Notes
  • Index

Media Attention

Stephen Wolfram Invites You to Solve Physics


Legendary Physicist Stephen Wolfram Is Modeling Our Universe, and He Needs Your Help

COURTNEY LINDER, Popular Mechanics and Yahoo! News

Stephen Wolfram's Hypergraph Project Aims for a Fundamental Theory of Physics


The Wolfram Physics Project: One Fundamental Physics Theory to Rule Them All

FABIENNE LANG, Interesting Engineering

Physicist Stephen Wolfram Thinks He's On to a Theory of Everything, and Wants Help Simulating the Universe


The Wolfram Physics Project Hopes to Find Fundamental Theory of Physics

BOB YIRKA, Phys.org

A New Kind of Physics? Stephen Wolfram Has a Radical Plan to Build the Universe from Dots and Lines

SAM BARON, The Conversation

Praise for Other Books by Stephen Wolfram

Get inside the head of one of our era's most creative and influential minds as he explores everything from communicating with extraterrestrial life to finding the fundamental underpinnings of reality. Adventures of a Computational Explorer is a deep and delightful intellectual odyssey.

BRIAN GREENE, bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos

Stephen Wolfram is a genius. But that's not the most uncommon of his attributes. He is fiercely and fully independent, in every possible sense of the word. Wolfram does everything, literally everything, on his own terms.

NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB, distinguished scientist and New York Times bestselling author of The Black Swan and Fooled by Randomness

In our time, Stephen Wolfram, once a Wunderkind and now the widely acknowledged creator of Mathematica and originator of A New Kind of Science, is an outstanding contemporary participant in this conversation.

HOWARD GARDNER, Author of Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Stephen Wolfram is a quirky, groundbreaking genius, destined for the science pantheon. So novel are his seemingly simple ideas that it may take half a century before the public adopts them.

RUDY RUCKER, Author of Infinity and the Mind and The Ware Tetralogy

A first-class intellectual thrill... No one has contributed more seminally to this new way of thinking about the world.

The New York Times Book Review

About the Author

Stephen Wolfram is a distinguished scientist and best-selling author, and the creator of some of the world's most respected software systems, including Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language. For more than 30 years he has been the CEO of the global technology company Wolfram Research.

Other Books by Stephen Wolfram

  • Title: A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics
  • Author: Stephen Wolfram
  • Hardcover: $49.95   778 pages
  • eBook: $19.95   778 pages
  • Publisher: Wolfram Media, Inc.
  • Publication Date: June 19, 2020
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-57955-035-6 (hardcover)
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-57955-031-8 (eBook)