Signals, Systems, and Signal Processing: A Computational Approach
Signals, Systems, and Signal Processing provides a concise but comprehensive introduction to the concepts and methods of signals and linear time-invariant (LTI) systems that lie at the core of many applications in control, telecommunications, audio signal processing, speech recognition, computer vision, financial and genomic data analysis, sonar, radar, and more. The topics presented in this text are a mainstay of almost every electrical, computer, and biomedical engineering degree program worldwide. These topics include:
- Mathematical representations of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and LTI systems in time and frequency
- Analysis of signals and LTI systems using Fourier, Laplace, and
z-transforms - Sampling of continuous-time signals
- An elementary introduction to filter design and signal processing
The ebook contains interactive Wolfram Language code, over one hundred fully worked examples, and over two hundred end-of-chapter exercises. Detailed solutions to all the exercises are available for download.
Videos for the topics covered in this ebook are available in the interactive Wolfram U course Signals, Systems and Signal Processing.
Get started with Wolfram Language using An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language. Core areas of Wolfram Language related to this book include: calculus & algebra, signal processing, audio processing and more.
Information and Media Inquiries
October 18, 2024 Publication
Publicity and Interviews:
Trim Size: 7" x 10"
Distribution by Ingram
- Preface
- Introduction to Signals and Systems
- Signal Classification
- Elementary Signals and Sequences
- Elementary Operations
- System Properties
- Continuous-Time Systems as Differential Equations
- Differential Equation Solution Methods
- Continuous-Time System Response
- Continuous-Time Convolution
- Discrete-Time Systems as Difference Equations
- Difference Equation Solution Methods
- Discrete-Time System Response
- Discrete-Time Convolution
- Continuous-Time Fourier Series
- Continuous-Time Fourier Transform
- Continuous-Time Fourier Transform Theorems
- Continuous-Time Filters
- Discrete-Time Fourier Series
- Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
- Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Theorems
- Discrete-Time Filters
- Laplace Transform
- Inverse Laplace Transform
- Laplace Transform Theorems
- Unilateral Laplace Transform
- z-Transform
- Inverse z-Transform
- z-Transform Theorems
- Unilateral z-Transform
- Sampling
- FIR Filter Design
- Butterworth Filter
- IIR Filter Design

- Author: Mariusz Jankowski
- Paperback: forthcoming
- Kindle: forthcoming
- Digital online: download free
- Publisher: Wolfram Media, Inc.
- Publication Date: October 18, 2024
- ISBN-13: 978-0-9650532-9-7 (paperback)
- ISBN-13: 978-1-57955-094-3 (Kindle)
- ISBN-13: 978-1-57955-093-6 (digital online)